The Two Party System

The looming other, or chiefly propagated antagonist, of either political spectrum is remarkably similar in scope and identity. The Liberal Democrat views the private corporation (big business) as the principal culprit of violence and inequality in our world; the Conservative Republican seeks to eradicate the powers of the overreaching government ( big government ). And, particularly in America, this ideological difference is personified and maintained by the ever-steady two party system.

For illustration, there is an ever-expanding segment of America which believes Governmental vaccines are, though not always explicitly intentional, responsible for autism and other mental defects. In addition, also an alleged evil of Big Government, accusations have been long-spoken regarding attempts to lower societal IQ with fluoride quantities being added to water. Perhaps, most importantly,  Big Government takes money from land-owners and gives to the lazy proletariat masses.

In contrast, the Liberal Democrat sees its mammoth antagonist as the greed-blinded corporations of America Consumer campaigns and popular movies have vilified McDonalds, implying a conspiracy to poison and make ill their customers. A man is seen vomiting after a single burger in one of these films, and later doctor visits revealed dire news of possible death, if the all McDonalds diet continued. The issue does not come from the vilification of corporations; the fault lies in imagining the Democratic party would ever assist in meaningful reform.

The villain corporations atop big pharmaceutical is said to exploit the world population and stagnate meaningful cures, in hopes that long term, maintenance meds will ensure future profits, but the Liberal Democrat becomes satisfied with itself after pushing for bans of trans fats instead of taking on large corporation. Like a bear in winter, the Liberal fills itself on trivial, non-permanent reforms, and then sleeps until the next live-strong bracelet guides them to a cause.

There is distrust at epic proportions, but no one manages to direct their distrust in the right direction.

Given the current state of America, the dueling opinions which we see, both sides are held in a state of perpetual wrongness. The liberal Democrat and the conservative republican are both dealing with a simple, incorrect accepted premise: the 1991 fall of the USSR began the end of history, a state where the only possible outcome is a steady route to a global, capitalistic society. In the end-days of history, there is nothing of consequence to discuss, only the incessant mulling over of abortion rights, immigration, gender discrimination, and religious rights – the effects of greater,unspoken causes.

The Liberal Democrat, a passive conformist, becomes uneasy when they scratch a surface too aggressively, as their motivation lies not in aggressively serving the needs of all but merely in not rustling feathers and avoiding being accused of being  far-left. The Conservative Republican lives in a world of pre-21st century generalities, devoted to the simplicity of nationalism and tucked in the warm embrace of cold-war propaganda.

Both side of the coin subscribe to the “if not for “game of life.

If not for Big Government invading the private sector, no monopolies would be formed, and no money will be unjustly taken from deserving hands.

If not for the greedy corporations and their supporting Conservative Republicans, the Democratic party would be able to satisfy the needs of the masses – and permanently change the state of the working class.

Both sides are unimaginably incorrect, but in very different ways.

The contrasting views force a Conservative Republican to never question the corporate world, since a company could never be as undesirable as the media imposed image of a “ communist” society. The temporarily embarrassed millionaire is inclined to follow the capitalist model as long as he/she believes one or both of the following: a) like an addicted gambler, if there is still a chance, even if remote, of future success, unity will be maintained; b) there is someone lower on the totem pole. Any attempt to diminish the corporation in exchange for Big Government is an affront to their religious, faith based devotion to capital.

In contrast, the Democratic liberal, the left decedent we’re allowed to meet, is unable to differentiate between their current Government and the corporations they claim disdain for. The erosion of the separation between governments was not a happy accident for the wealthy; rather the progression is a historical certainty. With even “extremely left” – in a relative way – politicians taking exorbitant amounts of money from the corporate world, there is little wonder as to why the line between state and the top percentage of earners has become barely visible.

The psychological functioning of these two viewpoints is quite different. The Conservative Republican will respond to most criticism of societal policy or management with an aggressive dismissal, as if to identify a crime is further enflame the conditions in which the crime was made possible. Anyone supporting the protesters of Ferguson and Baltimore were said to be fanning the flames of violence, all while increasing racial tension by speaking of the subject. . “Yes, things are bad – but its rude to talk about them” is the logic of a slave, the servant of a fascist system.

Helping homosexuals and gender diverging individuals obtain rights is often criticized  by the CR as infringing on their religion, but the crime is merely be subjectively, negatively impacting the aesthetic of their world view. Nothing should be said, nothing should be done, only a blind authority to the primitive, nationalistic center

The Liberal Democrat, the greater, far more cowardly fool, prays at the altar of capitulations. Like Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs shows, basic needs must be obtained before higher needs are sought out. And it’s slightly above this threshold where this mind takes residence, where his super-ego, his guilty conscious, is satisfied by frivolous attempts to recycle, or slightly increase the quality or quantity of scraps the proletariat receives under the table of capitalists – never questioning whether or not capitalism alone fosters a system of inequality, of perpetual war, and of global pollution.

If you think of how people deal with bad news, there is nothing surprising about our current scenario. Some deal with cognitive dissonance in different ways: some weak ego’d individuals confront a new set of stresses by adopting and conforming to the new norm, losing sight of their original purpose; while some get angry and dig deeper into their beliefs. The two party system allows these two segments, the intentional majority in many countries, to have trivial, indefinite combat over surface issues

The two party systems combats a neutered, compromising, easily self-pleased left facing off against a nationalistic, fearful right. The Right, if it were able to look past its quest for blindness and its propensity to be lured by gamblers fallacy, should question whether or not their cowboy/ white fenced/ elvis soaked fantasies have ever been true – or were they simply held as some ideal to become. Either way, freedom cant be accomplished by a state which allows more influence from those who have that those who do not. The slight chance at getting into the in-crowd maintains their loyalty.

The left needs to realize they have been praying to a false party for all these years, or at least accept they are not progressives, but merely capitalists which like a little cream in their coffee. Seeing a dying man on the street does not make sense to most American, nor does hearing of children starving, so a promise of donation for a cup of Starbucks, or maybe an ant-war sign at a protest, will satisfy this resulting psychic guilt.

There is no Big Government or Big Business, only a single entity which keeps the smoke screens unceasingly smoking. There are no Democrats or Republicans  – just those fooled .

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